Letters from the Center
Friday, August 04, 2006
  Is Estate Tax Reform Dead?

In: http://www.forbes.com/business/2006/08/04/estate-tax-reform-senate-cx_jh_0804estatetax.html


You said:

With the old rates slated to return in 2011, it won't be long before the need for reform becomes urgent. The Senate leadership would be wise to not put off making a genuine stab at reform, as eventually it will become a consumer issue rather than just an irritant to small-business owners and the wealthy, warns Bass.


How will it eventually become a consumer issue, and when?



I'm what you might call a "radical centrist" and these are my letters to bloggers, journalists, and politicians -- left, right, and center -- where I implore them to pull away from the edges and back to the mainstream. Come read if you like, but I'll keep writing either way.

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